Lot 86

BOOKS PRESENTED TO ANTHONY EDEN. Please see the full listing below. (c.90)

Estimate: £3,000 - £5,000
Hammer price: £2,400
Bidding ended. Lot has been sold.

BOOKS PRESENTED TO ANTHONY EDEN (arranged chronologically) - George MEREDITH. Modern Love, London, 1892, reprint, 8vo, dark blue buckram, inscribed, "From Dolly, Xmas 1892," and further inscribed in a different hand, "& handed on to Anthony Eden, Feb. 1923", bookplate [please see the note regarding bookplates at the end of this lot]; Walter PATER. Greek Studies, London, 1904, 8vo, morocco, inscribed, "Robert Anthony Eden, Honoris causa, from E.L.C. [identity unknown for certain, but presumably a school friend - please see lot 26 for some idle speculation], Eton, Xmas, 1912", bookplate; Louis BARTHOU. Mirabeau, Paris, [c.1913], 8vo, buckram, wrappers bound in, inscribed, "A son Excellence M. Anthony Eden ... [followed by a lengthy, partly illegible, inscription in French] ... Louis Barthoud, Genève, 1934", bookplate; The Book of Common Prayer [bound with:] Hymns Ancient and Modern, London, [n.d., 2 works in one vol., "Elon. 48mo. Thin", suede wallet with button-down flap, the upper cover lettered in gilt "R.A.E. [i.e. Anthony Eden] 1915", the front free endpaper inscribed, "Anthony from Mother, Xmas 1915", with inserted photographed portrait of Eden's mother in oval "window" on front pastedown, slip with the words of the National Anthem laid down on rear pastedown; MOLIERE. Théâtre complet illustré, Paris, [n.d.], 7 vols. bound in 2, 8vo, attractively bound in dark blue calf gilt by Bickers & Son, inscribed, "R.A. Eden, from H.M.B. [identity unknown, but presumably a school friend], honoris causa, Eton College, July 1915", bookplate; Laurence HOUSMAN. Angels & Ministers, London, 1921, 8vo, boards, inscribed, "Anthony from Mummie. Jan 1. 1922. 'Most of the stones of the building of the City of God, & the best of these were made by Mothers'", bookplate; Timothy EDEN [i.e. Sir Timothy Calvert Eden, 8th Baronet (1893-1963), and Anthony Eden's older brother]. Five Dogs & Two More, London, 1928, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "Anthony, from Tim, Auctori Auctor! October 10th, 1928", bookplate; Ragnar ÖSTBERG (Swedish architect). The Stockholm Town Hall, Stockholm, 1929, 4to, wrappers, inscribed, "Anthony Eden, from the Author, Stockholm, 15/10/34"; Timothy EDEN. The Tribulations of a Baronet, London, 1933, large 8vo, hessian-backed boards, inscribed, "Anthony from Tim, 1933", bookplate; Ragnar SVANSTRÖM & Carl Fredrik PALMSTIERNA. A Short History of Sweden, Oxford, 1934, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "For Mr Anthony Eden, on his journey to Sweden Oct. 1934. [illegible words], [?C.] Palmstierna", bookplate; G. LOWES DICKINSON. A Modern Symposium, London, 1937, 8vo, cloth, reprint, inscribed, "Anthony, from S. B." [possibly Stanley Baldwin], bookplate; Nicolas de BASILY. Russia Under Soviet Rule. Twenty Years of Bolshevik Experiment, London, 1938, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To the Right Honble. A. Eden with the kind regards of N. de Basily"; C. TEMPERLEY. The Whispering Gallery of Europe, London, 1938, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "Anthony Eden, in gratitude & remembrance, from A. C. Temperley, April 1938"; Sonia DE CONTADES. Pénombre, Paris, 1938, small 4to, wrappers, inscribed, "A Anthony Eden, Sonia de Contades"; F. ROSSEL-STALDER. Morale Nouvelle ou Vers la Paix, Monte-Carlo, L'Intercontinentale d'Edition, [n.d. but ?c.1939], 8vo, red morocco, inscribed, "A Monsieur Anthony Eden, Londres [followed by a long unidentified quotation in French] F. Rossel", with, in addition, a printed dedication to Eden; Alan Campbell JOHNSON. Viscount Halifax. A Biography, London, 1941, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony Eden, With the author's compliments and best wishes from Alan Campbell Johnson, October, 1941"; Bomber Command. The Air Ministry Account of Bomber Command's Offensive Against the Axis September, 1939 - July, 1941, London, 1941, 4to, wrappers, detached, inscribed, "To the Right Honourable Anthony Eden ... from the author, [?illegible name but possibly Saunders]; Hugh R. WILSON. Diplomat between Wars, New York, 1941, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony Eden with warm regards, Hugh R. Wilson, New York, 1941"; Emery REVES. A Democratic Manifesto, New York, 1942, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To the Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, in esteemed recollection of our past collaboration, E. Reves, New York, July 14, 1942"; Wanda WASSILEWSKA. Rainbow. A Novel, London, [1943], 8vo, cloth, inscribed "Farewell greetings to Mrs Eden, Agnes Maisky, 13/9 - 43, London" [Agnes Maisky was the wife of The Soviet Union's Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ivan Maisky]; Jacques DEBU-BRIDEL (also using his pseudonym 'Argonne'). Angleterre (D'Alcuin a Huxley), Paris, Aux Éditions de Minuit, 1943, 12mo, wrappers, ONE OF 25 "H.C." COPIES, inscribed by the author to Eden on the half title, the inscription incorporating the printed word 'Angleterre'; Nicolas G. LÉLY. [After the title in Greek:] Victorial Poems, New York, 1943, 8vo, buckram, inscribed, "To the Right Honorable Anthony Eden, A Companion of the Muses and great friend of Greece, with highest regards, Nicholas G. Lély (Nickel!), The Hague, May 10, 1948"; G. Lynn SUMNER. Meet Abraham Lincoln, Chicago, "Privately Printed", 1946, large 8vo, buckram, inscribed, "For the Right Hon. Anthony Eden, with all good wishes and enduring admiration, G. Lynn Sumner, New York, 2/7/46"; Samuel HOARE, Viscount Templewood. Ambassador on Special Mission, London, 1946, 8vo, cloth, inscribed "In memory of your help and patience at the F. O., Templewood"; Herbert AGAR (editor). The Formative Years. A History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison by Henry Adams, Boston, 1947, 8vo, 2 vols., buckram, vol. one inscribed, "For Anthony, with deepest affection from Barbie & Herbert, March 1947"; The Lands of the Bohemian Crown. Their History and Glory. Published by M. Hipmanová, Prague, 1947, 4to, wrappers, inscribed "[indistinctly in Czech], Milka Hipmanová", with note on upper wrapper indicating page numbers with illustrations of Eden; Brian FITZGERALD. Emily, Duchess of Leinster. 1731-1814, London, 1949, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "Anthony Eden, from Betty & Bobbity [i.e. not the author, but Robert "Bobbity" Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, 5th Marquess of Salisbury], Christmas 1949"; Stéphane DE CHALON. Notes sur l' Élégance Masculine, Paris, 1949, 8vo, wrappers, inscribed "A Monsieur Antony [sic] Eden, le plus élégant des ministres anglais, Hommage de l'autre, S. de Chalon"; Alexander PAPAGOS. The Battle of Greece. 1940-1941, Athens, 1949, large 8vo, stiff wrappers, inscribed, "With the compliments of the author, A. Papagos"; Helen D'ABERNON (editor). Stolen Fruit, Welwyn Garden City, 1949, small 4to, leatherette boards, inscribed, "A. E. from H. D'A. June 1950", with Eden's highlights to 2 aphorisms, namely Robespierre's 'Avoid the ancient insanity of Governments - the mania of wishing to govern too much' (p.59) and John Morley's 'In recent years Progress has been technical not mental' (p.62), bookplate; Richard LAW, 1st Baron Coleraine. Return from Utopia, London, 1950, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "Anthony Eden, from the author, with affection & regard, November 1950", with the author's printed name crossed out on the title and replaced with his signature; Yves DELBARS. Le Vrai Staline, Paris, 1950, 8vo, wrappers, inscribed, "à Monsieur Anthony Eden, qui [illegible words], Yves Delbars, 21/11/50"; A. ROSSI. Les Communistes Français Pendant la Drole de Guerre, Paris, 1951, 4to, wrappers, inscribed, "A M. Anthony Eden, en hommage [illegible words], 1951, A. Rossi"; Moustapha EL-HEFNAOUI. Les Problémes Contemporains Posés par le Canal de Suez, Paris, 1951, wrappers, inscribed, "A l'Honorable M. Anthony Eden, avec l'expression de ma haute consideration, Paris, 2 juillet 1951, Moustapha El-Hefnaoui";  John BIGGS-DAVISON. George Wyndham. A Study in Toryism, London, 1951, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To the Right Hon'ble Anthony Eden, With the Author's respects and compliments, 7-vi-51"; Timothy EDEN. Durham, London, [?1952], 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, inscribed in the first vol. "Anthony from Tim, June 12, 1952"; William L. LANGER & S. Everett GLEASON. The Challenge to Isolation, New York, 1952, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Sir Anthony Eden - for whom during so many years I had enduring & profound respect as one of the most [?]outstandingly & courageous statesmen of our time, [?]Yours faithfully, George Messersmith" [the inscriber's name, not being the author, has been highlighted in the book's index]; Europe. The Way Ahead. ... Fourth Annual Report of the OEEC, Paris, 1952, large 8vo, wrappers, with printed note at the beginning, "This copy has been printed especially for The Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden. M.C.";  Hamish HAMILTON (editor). Majority 1931-1952. An Anthology of 21 Years of Publishing, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1952, 8vo, buckram, with a one-page autograph letter tipped-in at the front, on the publisher's headed paper, dated June 19, 1952, stating, "Dear Mr Eden, I hope you will do me the honour of accepting this copy of our commemorative anthology, in gratitude for your work for Anglo-American relations (how good your Pilgrim's speech was!) and in memory of our discussions of, and near unanimity over, the world's great novels, Yours very sincerely, Hamish Hamilton"; Salvador DE MADARIAGA. Bolivar, London, 1952, large 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To the Right Hon. Anthony Eden, with best wishes from S. de Madariaga, 14.viii.52"; Theodore BESTERMAN (editor). Voltaire's Notebooks, Geneva, 1952, 2 vols., 8vo, buckram, inscribed, "for Anthony Eden, with every good wish in memory of friendly enmity, Theodore Besterman, Les Délices, 5.ix.52"; The New Conservatism. An Anthology of Post-War Thought, London, 1955, 8vo, wrappers with a photographed illustration of Churchill and Eden together, with a one-page [partly] typed-letter, dated 30th September, 1955, loosely-inserted, stating, "Dear Prime Minister, I am sending you, with the compliments of the Conservative Political Centre, an advance copy of 'The New Conservatism' which we are publishing next Thursday. I do hope you will like it, Yrs sincerely Peter Goldman"; Agnes SAVILL. Alexander the Great and His Time, London, 1955, second edition, cloth, inscribed, "To Sir Anthony and Lady Eden, with Xmas greetings, from the author"; Robert BLAKE. The Unknown Prime Minister. The Life and Times of Andrew Bonar Law 1858-1923, London, 1955, 8vo, cloth, inscribed [not by the author] "Anthony Eden from Brendan Bracken, [illegible word], Sep. 1955" [Brendan Rendell Bracken, 1st Viscount Bracken (1901-58), British "Minister for Information" from 1941-45]; William REES-MOGG. Sir Anthony Eden, London, 1956, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Sir Anthony Eden, With many thanks from William Rees-Mogg, July 1956"; Lothar WIMMER. Zwischen Ballhausplatz und Downing Street, Vienna, 1958, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "For Sir Anthony Eden in gratitude from Lothar Wimmer"; Theodore BESTERMAN. Lettres d'amour de Voltaire à sa nièce, Paris, 1957, large 8vo, wrappers, inscribed, "for Anthony Eden with warm regards & best wishes, Theodore Besterman", with a compliment slip from the Ritz-Carlton, with pencil calculations of weekly expenses [?in Eden's hand], used as a bookmark; Quintin HOGG, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone. The Conservative Case, London, 'A Penguin Special', 1959, 8vo, paperback, wrappers, reprint, the upper cover inscribed, "In love and respect, Q. H. 1959"; Frederick Winston Furneaux SMITH, 2nd Earl of Birkenhead. The Life of F. E. Smith, First Earl of Birkenhead, London, 1959, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony, with best wishes from Freddy"; Eugène HINTERHOFF. Disengagement ... With a Foreword by Sir John Slessor, London, 1959, 8vo, stiff wrappers, "Proof copy", inscribed, "To the Right Hon. Lord Avon ... as a token of my admiration for his lifelong efforts for the maintenance of peace in the world, E. Hinterhoff, London, 27/[?]/68", with Eden's annotation and highlighting, including, on p.142: "But what if neutralised area were to decide to rearm - who would stop it?"; Desmond DONNELLY. The March Wind. Explorations behind the Iron Curtain, London, 1959, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony Eden: who in 1954 did as much as any one man to save the peace of this world and the defences of Western Europe, from Desmond Donnelly, March, 1959"; Vincent MASSEY. Speaking of Canada, Toronto, 1959, 8vo, cloth, second printing, inscribed, "To Anthony and Clarissa with affection from Vincent, May 1960"; Paul REYNAUD. Mémoires, Paris, 1960-63, 2 [non uniform] vols., large 8vo, wrappers, the first vol. inscribed, "To the Earl of Avon, in tessoignage d'une solidarité ancienne et d'une amitié qui date l'une conférence ou théatre des Ambassadeurs, Paul Reynaud, déc. 62," the second vol. also inscribed; Hastings ISMAY, 1st Baron Ismay. The Memoirs, London, 1960, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "For Anthony, from Pug [Ismay's nickname] - with admiration and deep devotion, Sept. 1960"; John Kenneth GALBRAITH. The Liberal Hour, Boston, 1960, 8vo, cloth-backed boards, inscribed, "Anthony with [illegible word] [?]esteem, fr. [?]J. G. Sept. 1960"; McGill. The Story of a University. Edited by Hugh MacLennan, London, 1960, large 8vo, cloth, with printed presentation label inscribed to Sir Anthony Eden; F. A. LINDEMANN. The Prof in Two Worlds. The Official Life of Professor F. A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell, London, 1961, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Lord Avon from the author, this account of an old colleague & a remarkable man, Freddy, 7th November, 1961"; Oliver LYTTELTON, Viscount Chandos. The Memoirs of Lord Chandos, London, 1962, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "Anthony from Oliver, in memory of our many days together and with love and admiration"; Vincent MASSEY. What's Past Is Prologue, Toronto, 1963, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony and Clarissa, with affectionate good wishes, from Vincent, Oct. 1963"; Paul REYNAUD. Et Après?, Paris, 1964, 8vo, wrappers, inscribed, "To the Lord of Avon, from his friend, P. Reynaud"; Panayotis KANELLOPOULOS. Athens, Munich, 1964, small 4to, photographed illustrations by Herbert Kreft, hessian, inscribed, "For the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Avon with the assurance that I never forget what he did for the Free World (and for Greece), Panayotis Kanellopoulos, Athens, April 14, 1965" [Panayotis (or Panagiotis) Kanellopoulos (1902-86), was Prime Minister of Greece for short periods in 1945 and again in 1967]; Roy WELENSKY. Welensky's 4000 Days. The Life and Death of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, London, 1964, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony & Clarissa Avon, with good wishes, Roy Welensky"; Frederick SMITH, 2nd Earl of Birkenhead. Halifax, London, 1965, large 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony, with the author's affectionate regards and respects, Freddy, 24.6.65"; Desmond DONNELLY. Struggle for the World. The Cold War from its Origins in 1917, London, 1965, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony & Clarissa, whose names are in these papers & who are two of the warmest and kindest people in the world, Desmond Donnelly" and with a printed publisher's compliment slip loosely-inserted; Drew MIDDLETON. Crisis in the West, London, 1965, 8vo, cloth, with a one-page typed letter from the publisher, dated 27th September 1965, loosely-inserted, stating, "Dear Lord Avon, I now have very much pleasure in sending you this advance complimentary copy of Drew Middleton's Crisis in the West. Thank you again very much for being so helpful. We are publishing on 18th October, Yours sincerely, [signed:] David Farrer"; Charles RADDOCK. Portrait of a People, New York, 1965, 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, the first vol. inscribed, "April 27, 1965. Dear Sir Anthony - Need I add that your 'Suez' stand has been vindicated by history. Affectionately, Charles Raddock"; Panayotis KANELLOPOULOS. Ascent to Faith, New York, 1966, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To the Rt. Hon. The Earl of Avon from a friend who will never forget him. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Panayotis Kanellopoulos, Athens, December 1966", with a printed Christmas card loosely-inserted; Forrest C. POGUE. George C. Marshall: Ordeal and Hope. 1939-1942, New York, 1966, large 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "Nov. 26, 1966. For the Earl of Avon - with great admiration and respect, Forrest C. Pogue" and a card signed by the author loosely-inserted; Ivan M. MAISKY [The Soviet Union's Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1932 to 1943] (contributor). ['The Munich Drama', an article included in] New Times. A Weekly Journal of World Affairs, Moscow, 1966, 4to, wrappers, the upper wrapper inscribed, "Anthony Eden, with best New Years Greetings, I. Maisky, Moscow, 24.XII.66," with an additional note at the head of the wrapper, "See also cartoon on page 18", the cartoon depicting Chamberlain and Mussolini; A. H. BIRSE. Memoirs of an Interpreter ... Foreword by the Earl of Avon, London, 1967, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "With best wishes, A. H. Birse, May, 1967"; Robert Gordon MENZIES [Prime Minister of Australia from 1939-41 & 1949-66]. Afternoon Light, London, 1967, 8vo, cloth, with a label pasted in at the front inscribed, "For Anthony, with my affection, Robert Menzies"; A. J. ARBERRY. Classical Persian Literature, London, 1967, second impression, 8vo, blue leatherette, with a calligraphic presentation note inserted at the front, stating, "University of Birmingham. Opening of the Second Stage of the University Library by The Chancellor The Right Honourable The Earl of Avon. 15th November 1971"; Desmond DONNELLY. Gadarene '68. The Crimes, Follies and Misfortunes of the Wilson Government, London, 1968, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony, in token of affection & respect, Desmond Donnelly, April 2, 1968"; Donald Grey BROWNLOW. The Accused. The Ordeal of Rear Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel, U.S.N., New York, 1968, 8vo, cloth, inscribed (in capitals): "To: The Rt. Honorable Lord Avon. I know that Admiral Kimmel would be pleased with your interest in his tragic story. It is my honor and privilege to present this token of esteemed regards for you, and for the kindness you have afforded my students through the years, with great sincerity, Donald G. Brownlow"; Oliver LYTTELTON, 1st Viscount Chandos. From Peace to War. A Study in Contrast. 1857-1918, London, 1968, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony from Oliver, A trifle to while away [several illegible words] we have spent together in [illegible words] and small affairs, 23.4.68", with some annotation by Eden; Richard LAW, 1st Baron Coleraine. For Conservatives Only, Bungay, 1970, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To his old chief from the author, with respect & affection, July, 1976"; with another copy of the same book inscribed, "from the author, to his one-time boss, with respect & affection, E.E. from Dick ... 1972"; Herbert FEIS. From Trust to Terror. The Onset of the Cold War, 1945-1950, New York, 1970, large 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "York, Maine. Dear Lord Avon, Sent as a sign of admiration & [illegible words]. I hope you will find it [illegible word] illuminating, Herbert Freis"; David DILKS (editor). The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan O.M. 1938-1945, London, 1971, large 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "The Earl and Countess of Avon, with greetings and good wishes, David"; Panayotis KANELLOPOULOS. Five Men - Five Centuries, London, 1971, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To The Earl of Avon in everlasting friendship and with best regards, Panayotis Kanellopoulos, Athens, Mai 1971"; Alec KILBRIDE. An Awakening. The Arab Campaign 1917-18, Tavistock, University Press of Arabia, 1971, 8vo, cloth, inscribed (in a minuscule hand) "This book is sent to Lord Avon by the author with gratitude [illegible word], in the hope that it may remind him of times which may [illegible words] ancient history, Alec Kilbride, 1.8.75"; James W. SYMINGTON. The Stately Game, New York, 1971, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To Anthony, who was so right about so many things, from [?]James Symington", with a further inscription [?by the author] above; Russell BRADDON. Suez: Splitting of a Nation, London, Collins, 1973, 8vo, buckram, with a typed letter from the publisher loosely-inserted stating, "Dear Lord Avon, Russell Braddon has asked me to send you the enclosed copy of his new book 'Suez: Splitting of a Nation', with his thanks for your kind assistance and time in helping him compile the book ...", without annotation or highlighting by Eden; Frank HARDIE. The Abyssinian Crisis, London, Batsford, 1974, 8vo, cloth, with a one-page typed letter from the publisher, signed by Marion Dent, presenting the book to Anthony Eden loosely-inserted; Martine de COURCEL (editor). Malraux Etre et Dire, [No place], 1976, large 8vo, wrappers, inscribed by the editor "Pour Anthony et Clarissa [followed by an extensive partly illegible inscription in French], Trés affectueusement, Martine"; Sydney ASTER. Anthony Eden ... Introduction by A. J. P. Taylor, London, 1976, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "To the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Avon with best wishes, Sydney Aster"; Edward ULLENDORFF (translator and editor). The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellasie I. 'My life and Ethiopia's Progress' 1892-1937, Oxford, 1976, 8vo, cloth, dust-jacket, inscribed, "To the Earl and Countess of Avon, with warmest regards, from Edward Ullendorff, June 1976". A small number of the books in this lot contain Eden's old armorial bookplate (he seemed generally against adding them to books that had been personally presented to him): in such cases, the word 'bookplate' is added at the end of the description of each individual book, with further signs of ownership noted where appropriate. (c.90)

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