Lot 85


Estimate: £3,000 - £5,000
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BOOKS ANNOTATED BY, OR OTHERWISE ASSOCIATED WITH, ANTHONY EDEN (arranged chronologically) - L. J. TROTTER. Rulers of India. The Earl of Auckland, Oxford, 1893, 8vo, cloth, annotated and underlined in black or red ink throughout [probably not by Eden], bookplate [please see the note regarding bookplates at the end of this lot], J. W. FORTESCUE. The Story of a Red-Deer, London, 1904, 4to, cloth, SIGNED in crayon, "Robert Anthony Eden 1906", and again with initials, bookplate; D. S. MARGOLIOUTH. Mohammed and the Rise of Islam, London, 1905, 8vo, buckram, with some annotation and highlighting by Eden, bookplate; A. F. HORT. The Gospel According to St Mark. The Greek text Edited with Introduction and Notes for the Use of Schools, Cambridge, 1907, 8vo, cloth, SIGNED & INSCRIBED "R. A. Eden, March 1914, Eton College, Windsor" on the front pastedown, with Eden's copious schoolboy annotation to the Greek text; Gustave MERLET (editor). Anthologie Classique des Poètes du XIXéme Siècle, Paris, [n.d.], 8vo, boards, SIGNED "R. A. Eden, [?]E.J.C., Oct. 17th 1914" [the day on which Anthony's older brother, John, was killed in action] and with 2 further dates added in ink, on p.162, "16/6/15" and on p.338 "30th June 1915"; G. E. MITTON. The Lost Cities of Ceylon, London, 1917, 8vo, cloth, with sparse annotation and highlighting, bookplate; Rupert BROOKE. 1914 & other Poems, London, 1918, 8vo, cloth, "Twenty-fourth Impression", bookplate; James BRYCE. Modern Democracies, London, 1921, 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, SIGNED "R. Anthony Eden, Mulberry Walk, Sept, [illegible year]" on front free endpaper, with occasional outspoken annotation by Anthony Eden, for example, on p.135 in vol. one: "!!!Too proud to fight! The worst soldiers ever seen -" and some highlighting to text, bookplate; Anatole FRANCE. Vie de Jeanne d' Arc, Paris, [1921], 2 vols., large 8vo, hessian, wrappers bound in, wrappers signed "R. Anthony Eden, Jan. 18, 1923", with some highlighting mainly to the beginning of vol. one, and an envelope, inscribed by Eden, loosely-inserted, indicating a highlighted quote on p.xxi of the book (the printed passage reading, "Au long d' interminables guerres, la misère et l' ignorance avaient appauvri les esprits et réduit l'homme à une extrême maigreur morale"), with some other notes, bookplate; Maurice PALEOLOGUE. La Russie des Tsars pendant La Grande Guerre, Paris, 1921-23, reprints, 3 vols., 8vo, later buckram, wrappers bound in, wrappers signed "R. Anthony Eden, 1923", and with some highlighting, bookplate; Chateaubriand's Atala [and 2 other works], Vienne, [n.d.], 8vo, boards, SIGNED "R. Anthony Eden, June 5th, [?]1923" on the front pastedown, with emotional printed passages on pp.109-113 highlighted; Lytton STRACHEY. Landmarks in French Literature, London, 1923, 8vo, cloth, with some sparse annotation and highlighting, bookplate; Essays of To-Day and Yesterday. Augustine Birrell, London, 1926, 8vo, original wrappers, the half title with an autograph quotation in ink, possibly in Eden's hand, of the words from "As I Sat Under a Sycamore Tree", inscribed at the foot, "To Goonie [i.e. Lady Gwendeline Spencer-Churchill], Christmas Day, 1926, A. [?]E"; Charles Mauron. The Nature of Beauty in Art and Literature ... Translation and Preface by Roger Fry [upper cover: Hogarth Essays. Second Series], London, The Hogarth Press, 1927, 8vo, original boards decorated by Vanessa Bell, upper board detached, with annotation and highlighting throughout; Henry TAYLOR. The Statesman. An ironical treatise on the art of succeeding, London, 1927, "Reprint Series No. 2", 8vo, cloth, with highlighting throughout, bookplate; Frederick Morton EDEN, 2nd Baronet. The State of the Poor, London, 1928 [but first published in 1797], 8vo, cloth, SIGNED "Anthony Eden 1950"; Langhorne GIBSON & J. E. T. HARPER. The Riddle of Jutland. An Authentic History, London, 1934, large 8vo, folding maps in a pocket at the end, buckram, SIGNED in pencil by Anthony Eden on the front free endpaper, with his annotation on p.335 and some highlighting [Midshipman Nicholas Eden, Anthony Eden's brother, was killed at the Battle of Jutland in 1916], bookplate; Charles HARRINGTON. Plumer of Messines, London, 1935, 8vo, plates and maps, cloth, with some annotation on wartime experiences and highlighting; R. B. MOWAT. Europe in Crisis, London, 1936, 8vo, frontispiece portrait of Anthony Eden, cloth, without annotation, bookplate; Siegfried SASSOON. Sherston's Progress, London, 1936, 8vo, cloth, with Anthony Eden's old armorial bookplate heavily-annotated in pencil indicating colours for "Burke's Peerage, DeBrett" (written in pencil above), and with some sparse annotation and highlighting to the text of the book itself; R. B. MOWAT. The Fight for Peace, London, 1937, 8vo, cloth, with typed compliment slip from the author loosely-inserted, and inscribed by Eden on the front free endpaper, "A friendly book. A. E." but without any further annotation or highlighting; George Macaulay TREVELYAN. Grey of Fallodon, London, 1937, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's annotation and highlighting and a loosely-inserted empty envelope inscribed by Eden on the outside, bookplate; F. Elwyn JONES. The Battle for Peace, London, 1938, 8vo, uncorrected proof copy, wrappers, with Eden's highlighting throughout including, on p.[65] to a printed quotation from a speech made by Hitler in Munich in 1936 in which he (Hitler) stated, "I do not believe there can be peace among the nations until they all have the same law and system of law. That is why I hope that National Socialism will one day extend over the world. This is no fantastic dream, but an achievable object" and again to a printed passage by the author on p.197: "For Hitler's aim is not primarily 'ideological', however much he insists on this in his speeches. Hitler's real aim is a Greater Germany which will dominate Central and South-East Europe"; Johannes STEEL. The Truth About Munich ... A Collection of Broadcasts Given Recently on Station WMCA, New York, 1938, 8vo, stapled (lacks wrappers), with one passage highlighted by Eden; W. MACNEILE DIXON. The Human Situation, London, 1938, 8vo, cloth, reprint, with some annotation by Eden including on p.98 a comment on the German massacre of civilians at Dinant in 1914, "Yes - I saw some of this evidence myself" and highlighting, bookplate; Anthony EDEN. Foreign Affairs, London, 1939, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's sparse annotation and highlighting; Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities Between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939, London, "His Majesty's Stationery Office", 1939, 8vo, wrappers, without annotation; Duff COOPER. The Second World War. First Phase, London, 1939, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's single correction to a year on p.195 (from 1937 to 1938) and one passage of Duff Cooper's printed text quoting his own (Cooper's) article highlighted by Eden on p.207 ("Germany and Italy under their present rulers are determined to dominate by force the whole continent of Europe. If there is a man living who still doubts that fact he should lose no time in consulting a mental specialist"); L. RASKAY. How They Did It. Life Stories. Anthony Eden, London, Pilot Press Ltd., 1939, square 8vo, wrappers, second impression; Thomas MANN. This War, London, 1940, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's annotation and highlighting; Isaiha BERLIN. Karl Marx. His Life and Environment, London, 1939, 8vo, cloth, signed "Clarissa S. Churchill"; Anthony Eden. Address to the Maryland General Assembly, Annapolis, Marsh 26th, 1943, [?Annapolis, 1943], 12mo, wrappers; Your M.P. by Gracchus, London, Victor Gollancz, 1944, 8vo, cloth, dust-jacket, with a printed record of Eden's important votes in Parliament, along with other Tory M.P.s., at the end; Jan MASARYK. Speaking to my Country. Foreword by Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, London, 1944, 8vo, cloth, with highlighting; C. G. HAMPSON. The History of the Tottington Home Guard, Bury, [c.1944], 8vo, specially-bound for Anthony Eden in tan suede gilt; Ciano's Diary 1939-1943, London, 1947, large 8vo, cloth, with highlighting; Adrienne KOCH. Jefferson and Madison, New York, 1950, 8vo, cloth, SIGNED and dated 1950 by Anthony Eden and with his sparse highlighting; Anthony EDEN. Days for Decision, Boston [Mass.], 1950, 8vo, cloth, inscribed, "The three unities page 212", with that passage highlighted; Britain Strong and Free. A Statement of Conservative & Unionist Policies, [London], October, 1951, 8vo, wrappers, with one passage highlighted; Advance Copy - Confidential. The Manifesto of the Conservative and Unionist Party. General Election 1951, [London, 1951], 8vo, with one annotation and two passages highlighted; Duff COOPER. Old Men Forget, London, 1953, 8vo, cloth, with a single passage relating to Eden's resignation highlighted on p.215; Dean ACHESON. A Democrat Looks at his Party, New York, 1955, 8vo, cloth, SIGNED by Anthony Eden, with his annotation to final blank ("Eisenhower's refuge - it has become a pretext for inaction") and some highlighting; The Suez Canal Company and the Decision Taken by the Egyptian Government on 23th[sic] July 1956 [on 26th July 1956], [Paris, 1957], first & second parts, large 8vo, wrappers, without annotation or highlighting; John CONNELL. The Most Important Country. The True Story of the Suez Crisis, London, 1957, 8vo, buckram, with Eden's pencil note at the beginning, "Gilbert Murray on pp.223-4 is excellent!", and with the passage highlighted; T. E. UTLEY. Not Guilty. (The Conservative Reply), London, 1957, 8vo, cloth, armorial bookplate and signature of Sir Michael Fraser (the first line of the printed Preface stating: 'This book is a defence of the home and foreign policies of Sir Anthony Eden's Government'); Henry A. KISSINGER. A World Restored. Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-22, Boston, 1957, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's annotation to final blank and sparse highlighting to text; Herbert FEIS. Churchill. Roosevelt. Stalin. The War they Waged and the Peace they Sought, London, 1957, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's annotation to loosely-inserted note ("I must read papers on my visit to W'ton") and a few passages highlighted; Robert GRAVES. Goodbye to All That, London, 1958, 8vo, second revised edition, cloth, with just 2 passages highlighted by Eden on p.259, both relating to English anti-French feeling; Abba EBAN. Voice of Israel, London, 1958, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's annotation and highlighting; Albert SCHWEITZER. Peace or Atomic War?, London, 1958, 8vo, wrappers, publisher's typed compliment slip loosely-inserted; Emmet John HUGHES. America the Vincible, New York, 1959, cloth, with Eden's sparse annotation and copious highlighting, with a note on the front free endpaper stating: "Biographer. Several passages including pages 220-1" [on the nature of force in politics] and with a note on the rear endpaper again stating "Page 220. First time I have seen this true account set out. A.E."; Charles DE GAULLE. The Edge of the Sword, London, 1960, 8vo, cloth, highlighted by Eden throughout; Geoffrey SWAIN. Miscellaneous Poems, Exeter [n.d. but c.1960], 8vo, cloth, RARE, with "See P.62" written by Eden in pencil on the front free endpaper indicating the poem 'In Praise of the Right. Hon. Sir Anthony Eden'; KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN. Uneasy Lies the Head, London, 1962, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's highlighting; Foreign Affairs. An American Quarterly Review. July 1964, New York, 1964, large 8vo, original wrappers, with Henry Kissinger's article 'Coalition Diplomacy in a Nuclear Age' annotated by Eden ("Pass the buck") and highlighted; General Jack's Diary 1914-1918. The Trench Diary of Brigadier-General J. L. Jack, D.S.O., London, 1964, 8vo, cloth, with Eden's annotation relating to wartime experiences and highlighting to the latter half of the book; Arthur M. SCHLESINGER. A Thousand Days. John F. Kennedy in the White House, Boston [Mass.], 1965, 8vo, cloth, with occasional highlighting and annotation by Eden including, for example, on p.152 (commenting on Kennedy's first appointments in foreign affairs): "What a system for Foreign Service" and on p.535 (commenting on the U.S.'s identification with Malaysia against Indonesia): "This story is appeasement at its worst", and 2 loosely-inserted notes, one listing significant page numbers, and other page numbers listed on the final blank; Keith MIDDLEMAS & John BARNES. Baldwin. A Biography, London, 1969, 8vo, cloth, with occasional annotation by Eden, particularly in the second half of the book, and highlighting; Israel SIEFF. Memoirs, London, 1970, 8vo, cloth, with some annotation by Eden and highlighting, some of it emphatic; Moshe DAYAN. Story of My Life, London, 1976, large 8vo, cloth, with an autograph note by Eden stating: "146-217. No mention of signature" loosely-inserted, many inscribed post-it notes [affixed to each other but not to any particular pages] and some sparse highlighting; Anthony EDEN. Another World 1897-1917, New York, 1977, 8vo, cloth, with a one-page autograph note loosely-inserted, stating, "Lady Avon - Here is the U.S. Edition. We like it & hope you do, too. Your visit here is warmly remembered, Sam Vaughan 9/27/[?77]"; two foolscap books containing English and Persian text [?in Eden's hand - Eden was fluent in Persian]; Allan NOBLE [Parliamentary Private Secretary to Anthony Eden from 1947 to 1951]. "Afloat and Ashore," [1980], 4to, [?]photocopied typescript on 161-pages [on one side only], in ring-binder, the title page inscribed, "For Private Circulation. Clarissa, from Allan, July 1980" [apparently unpublished]; Birmingham University Library. Handlist of the personal papers of Anthony Eden, 1st Earl of Avon (1897-1977), Birmingham, 1981, 4to, half calf; with a few leaves of autograph verse in ink [?in Eden's hand, copied from Blake or in the manner of Blake] contained in an 18th-century French binding with elaborate dentelles, signed "Goonie" on an initial blank. A small number of the books in this lot contain Eden's old armorial bookplate: in such cases, the word 'bookplate' is added at the end of the description of each individual book, with further signs of ownership noted where appropriate. (c.60)

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