Lot 17

BINDING - A fine illuminated manuscript in German on two vellum leaves, with wide painted decorative borders, folio (420 x 310mm), VERY FINELY BOUND in contemporary highly elaborate panelled armorial morocco with garnets. Please see the full description.

Estimate: £500 - £800
Hammer price: £500
Bidding ended. Lot has been sold.

BINDING - A fine illuminated manuscript in German on two vellum leaves, written on the rectos only, both leaves with wide painted decorative armorial, allegorical and foliate borders, one incorporating a fireman's helmet and other equipment, the illumination on the first page signed and dated "E. Riester, [18]92", the manuscript written in a dense black-letter script with elaborate initials, folio (420 x 310mm). VERY FINELY BOUND in contemporary highly elaborate panelled armorial morocco gilt over boards, the upper cover with a crowned gilt metal coat-of-arms in relief with red enamel bend, gilt metal cartouches at each corner, each with a central red bezel-set garnet, the upper cover dated in gilt at the lower panel "24 April 1892", the lower cover with gilt metal roundels at each corner, each with the same stone, wide dentelles, watered silk liners. Provenance: an old paper ([?]library or auction house) label pasted onto the corner of the lower cover of the binding; a number of related old mounted photographs loosely-inserted. The manuscript is an effusive tribute from the Fire Service of Baden to Frederic I, Grand Duke of Baden (1826-1907) on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of his becoming the Duke in 1892, having been Regent and Heir Presumptive from 1852-55 during his brother's poor mental health. It states: "Durchlauchtigster Grossherzog gnädigster Fürst, Stolze, verantwortungsreiche Aufgabe hat Euerer Königlichen Hoheit Gottes Vorsehung beschieden. Edelste Hingebung an den hohen Beruf hat es Euerer Königlichen Hoheit leicht werden lassen, die schwere Arbeit während vierzigjähriger segensreicher Regierungszeit herrlich zu vollführen. Wenn heute Badens Volk Euerer Königlichen Hoheit für die treueste, aufopferndste Pflichterfüllung in dem hohen Berufe auf dem Throne der Zähringer aus innerstem Herzen kommenden Dank zujubelt, so möchte jeder badische Feuerwehrmann, wie in der Stunde der Noth, so auch heute an Euerer Königlichen Hoheit und Badens schönstem Ehrentage mit in erster Reihe stehen, da es gilt, dem edlen Herrscher zuzujauchzen, welchem die Herzen aller Badener in aufrichtiger, inniger Liebe zugehören. Dem Dank des Bürgers darf der Feuerwehrmann stolz noch eherbietigen Tribut der Bewunderung hinzugesellen für das leuchtende Vorbild in Erfüllung der Devise: 'Gott zur Ehr' dem Nächsten zur Wehr', für die treue Obsorge, deren sich Badens Feuerwehren alle Zeit von ihrem erhabenen Gönner, ihrem allverehrten Landesfürsten, nicht minder von ihrem erhabenen Protektor, Erbgroßherzog Friedrich erfreuen dürfen. Möge es Euerer Königlichen Hoheit allergnädigst gefallen, am heutigen Tage die Huldigung der Feuerwehren Badens entgegenzunehmen. Möge die Gnade Gottes Euere Königliche Hoheit und Euerer Königlichen Hoheit treueste Stütze in Haus und Land, Ihre Königliche Hoheit die Frau Großherzogin, die erlauchte Fürstin unseres Landes, uns noch viele, viele Jahre erhalten. Des Himmels Segen ruhe auf unserem geliebten Großherzoglichen Hause! Pforzheim den 24. April 1892. Der Ausschuß des badischen Landes-Feuerwehr-Vereins." [English translation:] "Most serene Grand Duke and Gracious Prince, God's providence has bestowed upon Your Royal Highness a proud and responsible task. The noblest devotion to the high profession has made it easy for Your Royal Highness to carry out the hard work marvellously during forty years of blessed reign. If today Baden's people cheer Your Royal Highness for the most faithful, most self-sacrificing fulfilment of duty in the high profession on the throne of the House of Zähringen from the bottom of their hearts, then every Baden firefighter would like to be in the front row, as in the hour of need, so also today on Your Royal Highness’s and Baden's most beautiful day of honour, when it is necessary to cheer the noble ruler, to whom the hearts of all Baden’s inhabitants belong in sincere, heartfelt love. To the thanks of the citizen, the fireman may proudly add a tribute of admiration for the shining example in fulfilment of the motto: 'To Honour God, Defend your Neighbour', for the faithful care that Baden's fire brigades have always enjoyed from their exalted patron, their revered sovereign, and no less from their exalted protector, Hereditary Grand Duke Friedrich. May it please Your Royal Highness most graciously to accept the homage of Baden's fire brigades today. May the grace of God preserve Your Royal Highness and Your Royal Highness's most loyal support in house and country, Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess, the illustrious Princess of our country, for many, many years to come. May Heaven's blessing rest upon our beloved Grand Ducal House! Pforzheim, 24 April 1892. The Committee of the Baden State Fire Brigade Association." The manuscript is signed by 7 unidentified individuals at the end, presumably members of the Committee. Bellmans is grateful to Christopher Gillibrand for his assistance in cataloguing this lot. Provenance: from the Collection of Mr. Marcus Linell.

Further details regarding the provenance on the Bellmans website here

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