586 | A PATINATED BRONZE DISH MODELLED WITH A CROUCHING BABY FAUN Early 20th Century The faun crouched over the open circular dish on a rocky outcrop, signed to the rock M R Locke 1930, 14.5cm high | £60 - £80 | £70 | View |
587 | FOUR RED WAX GREAT SEALS FOR KING WILLIAM IV AND QUEEN VICTORIA (4) 19th Century Comprising the seal and counterseal for each monarch, William IV seals 15cm diam., Victoria seals 15.5cm diam. | £70 - £100 | £190 | View |
588 | A PAIR OF WW1 ROSS, LONDON BINOCULARS (4) 20th Century The leather covered x8 No. 2352 binoculars inscribed 'W. SImE 1st LowD F.A.B.DE', in brown leather case also named to W Sime on the underside, binoculars 11cm high; Together with another… | £80 - £120 | £50 | View |
589 | A GROUP OF NINE PEWTER PLATES AND A LARGE TANKARD (10) 18th Century and later A pair with raised reeded rim, touch marks possibly for Townsend & Compton 1801-1811, 20.5cm diam., a larger example with owner's initials to the rim and touch marks… | £80 - £120 | £240 | View |
590 | A GEORGE III WALNUT STICK BAROMETER BY CATTELY & CO, HOLBORN, LONDON Late 18th/Early 19th Century The feathered walnut case with broken arch pediment, silvered dial, bone inset cistern, 99cm high | £100 - £200 | £110 | View |
591 | JENNY WORRALL: A PAIR AND A SINGLE GLASS DÉCOPAGE TABLE LAMPS (3) Modern The pair with alternating classical/Victorian scenes and floral panels, the single with scrolling floral motifs, on cream and gilt ground, with circular bases and two cream shades, the bases… | £100 - £200 | £90 | View |
592 | A GROUP OF FOUR OAK LOW RELIEF CARVED SIDE PORTRAIT PROFILES POSSIBLY DEPICTING THE FOUR APOSTLES (6) Late 19th Century Two with incised names ‘St. Peter’ and ‘St. John’, 27cm wide; 31cm high; the other a Medieval royal portrait, 30cm wide; 34cm high; together with a carved oak panel depicting… | £80 - £120 | £280 | View |
593 | AN ANTLER HORN SIXTEEN LIGHT CHANDELIER OR HANGING LIGHT Early 20th Century Composed of eight pairs of antlers, each antler mounted with two light fittings, approx 145cm wide | £200 - £300 | £200 | View |
594 | A CONTINENTAL RELIEF CARVED PANEL OF THE LION OF LUCERNE AFTER BERTEL THORVALDSEN Late 19th Century The panel with carved frame, the lion within an inscribed border, 54cm wide; 47.5cm high | £80 - £120 | £180 | View |
595 | A CONTINENTAL RELIEF CARVED WALNUT FRIEZE DEPICTING FIGURES AT A FORGE (4) 19th Century 68cm wide; 36.6cm high; Together with a relief carved panel depicting Amphitrite in a chariot being pulled by hippocampi, 79.5cm wide; a relief carved walnut wall bracket or corbel,… | £100 - £200 | £600 | View |
596 | A WALNUT RELIEF CARVED TROPHY OF GAME AND FOUR OTHER PANELS (6) 19th Century The grouse hanging, oval backplate, 48cm high; a naturalistic carved limewood pediment, with two partridges or grouse, 69cm wide; an oak trophy panel depicting a fox and gamebirds,… | £80 - £120 | £380 | View |
597 | A GROUP OF CARVED PANELS, BRACKETS AND A FIGURE OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER (6) Comprising a 19th Century oak relief carved figural scene possibly a biblical scene, depicting a prisoner present to a female court, 94cm wide; a ginger breadmould of a woman and man, 64cm high; a… | £100 - £200 | £240 | View |
598 | TWO LOBSTER NET HANGING LIGHTS (2) 20th Century/Modern Two lobster nets, later converted to hanging lights, the single fitting light approx 45cm high, the triple fitting light approx 147cm high | £50 - £80 | £50 | View |
599 | A GEORGE III OAK LONGCASE CLOCK 1770-1822 The 12inch brass dial, signed Travis Thorne, the eight day movement striking on a bell, 200cm high | £100 - £200 | £120 | View |
600 | AN ANTHONY REDMILE WHITE COMPOSITE BUST OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE AS CEASAR Modern With laurel crown round his head, NAPOLÉON inscribed below the bust, stamped AR to the reverse, 62cm high | £200 - £300 | £500 | View |
601 | A PAIR OF EMPIRE STYLE GILT-METAL MOUNTED FAUX MARBLE CANDELABRA (2) Modern The green tapering columns on square stepped bases, with applied gilt decoration, the four leaf-capped branches around a central column, 51cm high | £80 - £120 | £320 | View |
602 | A PAIR OF ITALIAN GILTWOOD TWIN LIGHT WALL APPLIQUÉS (2) Modern Each with three foliate fronds within the oval backplates, with twin leaf-capped branches, 54cm high | £60 - £100 | £180 | View |
603 | A PAIR OF EMPIRE STYLE GILT-METAL MOUNTED PURPLE HARDSTONE OBELISKS (2) Modern With Egyptian pharaoh masks to the square bases, 81cm high | £100 - £150 | £800 | View |
604 | A PAIR OF GILT-METAL MOUNTED CAMPANA URNS ON POLISHED GRANITE PLINTHS (2) Modern Modelled with emblematic cherubs, the bases mounted with ribbon tied laurel wreaths, 41cm high | £100 - £150 | £480 | View |
605 | A PAIR OF ITALIAN PATINATED BRONZE CAMPANA UNRS (2) Late 19th Century The urns mounted on Siena marble stepped bases, 40cm high | £200 - £400 | £650 | View |
606 | A PAIR OF GILT AND PATINATED METAL CLUSTER COLUMN TABLE LAMPS (2) Modern With quatrefoil decoration to the bases, 57cm high excluding shades | £80 - £120 | £1,700 | View |
607 | A PAIR OF BRASS AND MAHOGANY TELESCOPIC ADJUSTABLE FLOOR STANDING READING LIGHTS (2) Modern With swivel arms, circular trays and weighted bases, 135cm excluding shades The height up to the tables from the floor is 68cm. | £80 - £120 | £1,700 | View |
608 | A PAIR OF FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE GILT-METAL ‘ROCOCO’ CHENETS (4) Early 20th Century Modelled as scrolling acanthus, 36cm high; together with another similar pair, 53cm high | £100 - £200 | £320 | View |
609 | AFTER THE ANTIQUE: A WHITE COMPOSITE MODEL OF THE WARWICK VASE Modern Modelled with heads of Bacchus and followers, lion pelt and intertwined twin handles, 88cm wide approx overall; 50cm high | £80 - £120 | £130 | View |